Sunday, August 15, 2010

Charles Richard Treuter - Humiliated And Boxed In

Updated, June, 2011

Banned From Blogging on his "MySpace" blog account Charles Richard Treuter has gone to posting his bullshit on his "DocChuck Chats and Exposes Blog" with the following recent blog which, of course, The Ferret will once again rip into and expose it for what it is - pure and unadulterated Charles Richard Treuter BULLSHIT.  Charles posted the following: 

Google your asses off ....... ROFLMAO!

 am immensely amused at the ignorance and jealousy of many of my numerous detractors on the internet. They seem to be fascinated with places I have lived, with my educational background, and especially with my wife’s successful medical career.

YOUR WIFE'S SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL CAREER?  WTF, CHUCK?  She's a lowly nurse that works in a Maryland prison - that's a successful medical career, jerk?  Oh yeah, she also changes bed pans and diapers on the aged at a Fairfax County, MD nursing home, WOW!   Almost as amusing as my having finally forced you to admit to your "successful" career as a fired from one retail company after another retail company where you were a mere clerk and a glorified stock boy with the BIG TIME title of  "manager trainee".  I know how much you hate having been exposed for what you were (which was really a nothing nobody) after spending five (5) years on the Internet claiming you had "retired" from a Higher Education teaching profession as a "professor", LOL!  Talk about frauds and a losers (that would be Charles Richard Treuter and Elizabeth Ann [Jarvis] Treuter - two absolute phonies).   

Some of the dolts such as the guy who calls himself aCOLONEL/REVEREND, Kenneth Wayne Treuter, Esquire, (living in a backwoods compound in Texas) go to the trouble of impersonating me and my wife on literally scores of fabricated websites where they claim to “EXPOSE” us.
As a result, here is chronological list of the places I have lived:

• Houston, Texas (born and raised)
• Kerrville, Texas (college and work for two years)
• Houston, Texas (graduated from the University of Houston and then recruited by the Kmart Corporation)
• Pensacola, Florida (corporate transfer to open new Kmart)
• Alexandria, Louisiana (assigned to bust a labor union movement)
• Dallas, Texas (corporate transfer)
• Rockville, Maryland (to close down Kresge stores)
• Baltimore, Maryland (to close down Kresge stores)
• Bluefield, West Virginia (preparations for closing variety store and opening of a Kmart)
• New Albany, Indiana (to open new Kmart store)
• Louisville, Kentucky (to open new Kmart store)
• Cincinnati, Ohio (3 years to close down 18 Kresge stores)
• Cleveland, Ohio (to open new Kmart store)
• Evansville, Indiana (Left Kmart Corporation after completing 20 years of service and becoming fully vested in pension plan)
• Watertown, New York (purchased and operated a 200-acre dairy farm – now leased out, and I hold the lease)
• Houston, Texas (returned to University of Houston to earn Doctoral Degree in Higher Education and Educational Psychology)
• Nassau, Bahamas (served internship at the College of the Bahamas)
• Mountain Home, Arkansas (purchased a 25-acre horse farm – sold, and I hold the mortgage)
• Baxter County, Arkansas (purchased luxurious “retirement home” – sold, and I hold the mortgage)
• United Kingdom (for 6 months while wife helped organize and finance a medical clinic partnership)
• Columbia, Maryland (to accompany wife who accepted a four-year contract corporate assignment)
We also lived for a short period of time in Alaska and we spend a couple of months each year in North Carolina, where we own a mountain-top retreat luxury condominium (when not using it we rent it out through a property management firm).  Charles, Charles, Charles!!  You imbecile, it's called a TIME SHARE NOT OWNERSHIP, DOLT, SO WHY LIE ABOUT IT - PROPERTY RECORDS HAVE BEEN SEARCHED AND YOU AND THE BEACH-WHALE LOOKING/TYPE "WIFE" DO NOT OWN IT, SO STFU!  AND NEVER, EVER, EVER DID THE TWO OF YOU CLOWNS RESIDE IN THE FINE STATE OF ALASKA - SARAH PALIN WOULD HAVE HAD YOU TWO RUN OUT OF THE STATE, ROTFALMAO.

And for the finale. The twist that will REALLY get your XX-Large Wal-mart boxers into a twist:

My wife and I have decided that when she completes her contract with her corporation, we will be retiring to Costa Rica, having recently purchased a property from a deceased friend’s estate.  YOU JUST SIMPLY CAN'T HELP YOURSELF, CAN YOU CHARLES?   YOU ARE INDEED SUCH A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR THAT YOU JUST CAN'T STOP YOURSELF FROM SPEWING LIES.  But hey, so far as you two "moving"  Costa Rica (as opposed to Arizona and blah, blah, blah) or anyplace else in the universe would be just fine, inasmuch as no one on GOD'S green earth would miss you -  the same will hold true when some grave digger puts a shovel in your ugly mug.  Oh, but before that move happens, please do explain how it is you and Elizabeth got SHOT DOWN on your demands and threats to take from your two brothers your "imagined" share of the truly sizable inheritance they received from your deceased mother's estate.  You and Liz got nothing, Chuckerpoop, not so much as a penny from either your deceased mother's sizable estate or your brothers whom you couldn't intimidate, LOSER.  You got nothing, Chuck...that's spelled N O T H I N G.  What a windbag you are!

Have a good life, you bunch of losers.
Your bullshit version as to a fantasized chronological list of the places you claim to have lived (even if, as a liar and word twister, it's true that you mean that claiming that one has lived in a particular locality only requires having been there at some time while still living that is not the same thing as having resided there, dolt and in no way explains the whys and what fors and dids with respect to your being there), I'LL DO THAT FOR YOU SO YOU AND ANY/ALL READERS WILL KNOW THE TRUTH!  Your claims are highlighted in yellow and my truthful and accurate corrections are in red text - you certainly don't have to like my revelations of truth but you do have to live with them:

Houston, Texas (born and raised)   True,  you were.  Born May 19, 1942 at Heights Hospital in Houston.
Kerrville, Texas (college and work for two years)  True and FALSE.  You attended Schreiner Institute, which, at the time, was a very tiny and insignificant wannabe "college".  Your claims about what you accomplished there are completely fabricated from your own imagination and you didn't work in Kerrville, Texas.  When returning from Kerrville, Texas to your parents' home to live you submitted an application so as to attend Rice University in Houston but it was REJECTED and your request to enroll was turned down - you couldn't pass the university's entrance exam and didn't have the other required standard considerations.
Houston, Texas (graduated from the University of Houston and then recruited by the Kmart Corporation)
Charles, you lie!  You attended the University of Houston (nicknamed, at the time, Cougar High because of its lack of academic credibility) for one semester in 1964 but did not , by even the wildest stretch of  imagination,  graduate.  You dropped out because your parents refused to pay your tuition inasmuch as you did so poorly (your grades were horrid) and in retaliation you married Barbara Kreig (Treuter) because you thought your parents did not approve of her.  Married, you attempted to make a living by selling (door to door) auto club memberships (you were a complete failure at doing so) and then you attempted to sell sets of Britannica's Great Books Of The Western World (here again you failed at that attempt).  So, in 1965 you went to work for a Walgreens Drug Store in the Oak Forest area of Houston and you were FIRED for stealing!!!  You then put in an application with S.S. Kresge Company and were hired on as a "manager trainee" and worked in one of their small variety stores in Houston for two years until the company (in 1967 - amusingly you have claimed to be a resident student at UofH at that time) transferred your ass to:Pensacola, Florida (corporate transfer to open new Kmart)     Again, you exaggerate and lie.  You were sent to the store, not to open it, but simply as a "junior assistant manager" (a glorified stock boy) and there you were caught by your wife in bed with a store employee, Lillie G., and your wife divorced your worthless ass.  There you ran afoul of the law and were awakened in the middle of the night by an FBI raid on your rented house so as to remove the piranhas you were keeping in an aquarium - You had boasted to your brothers that you were going to release them in the Everglades.  Guess who it was that turned you into the Florida police and the FBI.  I'm betting you can easily guess.
Alexandria, Louisiana (assigned to bust a labor union movement)  What???  That sure as hell never happened, Charles!  Just like you never served so much as a nanosecond in the service of your country as a member of the military (even though you've claimed that you did, pathological lying POS).  I've already EXPOSED that LIE and now you're exposed for this bit of fantasy wherein you are attempting to fill in your "resume".
Dallas, Texas (corporate transfer)  "Corporate transfer", you say???  Hardly.  Because of your fraternizing with Lily, to whom you eventually became married,  the company, a very conservative company at the time, transferred you to work in a run-down store on Ledbetter Ave. in Dallas, Texas which was then and now a very rough part of town inhabited mostly by poor blacks belonging to street gangs.
Rockville, Maryland (to close down Kresge stores)
Baltimore, Maryland (to close down Kresge stores)
Bluefield, West Virginia (preparations for closing variety store and opening of a Kmart)
Charles, PLEASE,  let me help you take a step back toward reality.  Your so-called assignments were simply to help oversee boxing up unsold merchandise for transfer back to the company's national warehouse and then strip the stores of fixtures.  All that was about was intense physical labor under the guise of "store management" exemptions so you weren't paid overtime for working 65-70 hours per week at an embarrassing low weekly salary.  Remember?  You certainly should...the records certainly record it.
New Albany, Indiana (to open new Kmart store)
Louisville, Kentucky (to open new Kmart store)
Drop the embellished spin, Chuckles, you clown.  You were simply in both locations on temporary assignments to unload trucks and "supervise" setting fixtures and shelving and then getting down and dirty stocking shelves.  You, Charles Richard Treuter, are just way too funny and your imagination is truly remarkable.
Cincinnati, Ohio (3 years to close down 18 Kresge stores)   Charles, you dolt, you did the same dirty, hands-on laborious task as you did in Rockville, Baltimore, and Bluefield.  Nothing more and nothing less.  You and dozens of other "trainees".  What a joke!  And the 3 year bit is a crock of shit and you know it is.
Cleveland, Ohio (to open new Kmart store)  True, and whooopeee, you actually were promoted to a "Senior Assistant Store Manager" where you, for a bit over two years,  stayed employed until you finally were assigned to manage a KMart in:
Evansville, Indiana (Left Kmart Corporation after completing 20 yearsof service and becoming fully vested in pension plan)  But your store management assignment was short lived because of your being fired by KMart corporation as a store manager (interestingly, you have as recently as June, 2011 begun claiming that you were a KMart district manager and lived in Lafayette, Louisiana while working in such a capacity - absolute BULLSHIT), Chuck .  You were criminally charged and prosecuted (all in the year of 1984, hardly a 25 year stint* [as you have previously claimed on many websites] with the  S.S. Kresge Company, Chuck).  It's all a matter of public record, Chuck.  Too bad.  And no vesting, no pension, nothing but standing in the unemployment line until you finally were hired on by a small drug store chain which fired you after a six month employment stint.  Why?  Because they found out about your lying on your resume and the circumstances involving your being fired from the KMart Corporation.  So, out the door you went.  So sad.  Oh, and remember you've always claimed you were a full time student at the University of Houston during all these years.  What a fraud you are, Charles Richard Treuter.
Watertown, New York (purchased and operated a 200-acre dairy farm – now leased out, and I hold the lease)  PURE AND UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT.  Not a dairy farm but a worn out piece of upperstate New York land that had formerly served as an apple orchard and maple tree farm but no longer produced either.  Your wife, Lillie G. Treuter, divorced your ass but not before turning you into law enforcement agencies because of your possession of illegal firearms AND your possession with the intent to distribute Schedule II drugs.  You reached a plea bargain, pled guilty, and as part of the plea bargain got out of New York State and moved to Houston where you resided with your mother and sponged off of her and enrolled at the University of Houston in the late 1980s.  Embarrassing, isn't it?  At the time you also defrauded your mother out of nearly a quarter of a million dollars and that's been established by your brothers and is known throughout many posts on the Internet.  Charles, you are worthless! 
Houston, Texas (returned to University of Houston to earn Doctoral Degree in Higher Education and Educational Psychology)  True and FALSE!  Ed.D. (FORGET THE Psychology claim, IT'S NOT TRUE, CHARLES!) which you never did anything with BECAUSE The University of Houston hired you on as an assistant professor but fired your ass soon after.* * Also, you fled Houston as your brothers closed in on you for defrauding your mother and physically assaulting her.  You left with criminal charges filed against you, including theft charges due to your petty shoplifting recidivism - you were caught stealing a power tool at a Home Depot.  What a sad existence you've had.  Oh, and glad to see you've finally realized that I ripped that University of Texas, PhD fraudulent claim to pieces,  hope you liked my doing so, FRAUD.
Nassau, Bahamas (served internship at the College of the Bahamas)  BULLSHIT, IT SIMPLY NEVER HAPPENED.
Mountain Home, Arkansas (purchased a 25-acre horse farm – sold, and I hold the mortgage)    GET REAL, LIAR.  You had no horses and it wasn't a farm but a tick infested piece of crap land.  You were convicted of crimes twice in Mountain Home, Arkansas, sold the shack of a house and the property at a loss and fled Arkansas and got the hell out of:
Baxter County, Arkansas (purchased luxurious “retirement home” – sold, and I hold the mortgage)  MORE LIES, CHUCK, MORE LIES and property records prove up the fact that you are lying, LIAR.  You were damned lucky to flee Baxter County when you did before someone killed you for your bullshit and the trouble you got into while hanging with your Ku Klux Klan associates, MORON.   And, Chuck, you were fired from the prison job you held for a matter of just two months - the one your wife got for you.  FIRED!  You've been fired from every job you have ever had, Chuck.  How pitiful is that?  Very, I'd say.
United Kingdom (for 6 months while wife helped organize and finance a medical clinic partnership)
• Columbia, Maryland (to accompany wife who accepted a four-year contract corporate assignment)
   Both claims are not only nonsensical they are truly side-splittingly laughable.  You and Elizabeth, a lowly prison nurse, are really delusional.  What pretenders the two of you are.


** Wow, DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter, this time your lies are really BUSTED!!!   Your game is up.  You're done in.  Think about it.  Boxed in by your own lies.  Humiliated by being exposed for the fraud you are.  No credibility.  No friends.  You are a nonperson, a loser, and an old man who will die a lonely, miserable, and meaningless death - as meaningless as has been your pitiful existence which you tried to hide and use the Internet to recreate yourself .  It may have worked except you came out of hiding in September, 2009 when you contacted your brothers.  Now the world knows all about you and knows how fake you and Elizabeth are.  How sick and sociopathic you are.  How meaningless and UNIMPORTANT you are.  How you have nothing.  Sad, sad, sad, and so tragic.

 Charles, even though you are and always have been a pathological liar you lacked the education and memory skills necessary to pull off your BIG LIE.  If you had had the necessary memory skills to do so you would have remembered when and where you spewed your bullshit and keep it all straight.  ¿Comprende?
·                                Total Posts : 88
·                                Joined: 3/15/2010
·                                Location: Columbia, MD. and Houston, TX.
 Re:you asked for it/more steaks - Sun, 04/11/10 9:12 PM ( #11 )



Suckers were still mooing in those last photos. 

As it should be --- at least to us Texas folks. 

DocChuck, I think you have lived in all 57 States!  OUCH, Compared Charles to Obama, another absolute moron and pathological liar!  THAT HAD TO HAVE HURT.

Well, Sir, when you are 68 years old, and if you worked for a company for 25 of those years that moved you every year or so to a new 'project', you too would have 'lived' in a LOT of states. 
Some may consider that "GOOD", but many folks, perhaps such as youself, may not be able to handle it. 
However, in an attempt to satisfy your obvious curiosity, I was born and raised in
TEXAS.  After graduation from college, and after spending 4 years in government service, I was recruited by the Kmart Corporation and sent on a mission to establish (open and staff) new stores in all corners of the USA.  After 25 years, I retired, returned to University life, earned an Ed.D. (University of Houston) then a Ph.D. (University of Texas) and then proceeded to teach at universities in Texas, Arkansas, Alaska, and Nassau (Bahamas). 
During that time, I met and married a wonderful lady 15 years my junior who is an APN and who holds a Ph.D. in Nursing.  After 'retiring'  6 years ago,  I now follow my wife as her company moves her around the country setting up contracts with various states (Arkansas, New Jersey, Maryland, and now perhaps Arizona) to handle the medical care in the variousState's Correctional Facilities (prisons in layman language). 
Does that satisfy your curiosity?  You can easily 'Google'  the facts should you need to allay your concerns.  Some people lead VERY BUSY LIVES .    I happen to be one of those types of people.  My wife and I NEVER let moss grow under our posteriors, so to speak. 
And, finally, NO, I have not lived in "all 57 states" as you put it ---- BUT, I am working on it, and will try to keep you informed of my progress.  If you have any further questions, I will attempt to address them. 
Have a great weekend.   
<message edited by DocChuck on Mon, 04/12/10 3:45 PM>
Kind of strange that your resume says you did all the Higher Ed back in the 60's and early 70's. That would make you about 100 years old by now... I think your fake life-history is giving you away. You are no longer welcome on this site.   ANOTHER OUCH, WHAT A PUNCH!

 **DISMISSED/AS IN F I R E D!  Why so?  For creating and publishing the following cartoon which was accompanied by an Anti-Semitic rant  which the university did not appreciate and which your mother appreciated even less - so much so she wrote you out of her will, disowned you as a son, and made certain that you were so DISINHERITED from her estate that you were bound never to receive a penny from it.  How proud you must be, SHOT DOWN LOSER!!!

As time passes I'll post more about all of the above and foregoing, if necessitated by any additional Charles Richard Treuter's/DocChuck's fanciful postings.  Chuck, you'll need to confess a whole lot more than what you've thus far confessed in order to get right with your Maker before you die.  And your commenting to yourself on your most recent blog is sooooooo transparent and amusing, LOSER.

Doc Chuck/Charles Richard Treuter - Internet Troll


Thanks to another blogger who has dedicated a blogsite to exposing Charles Richard Treuter for who and what he is (see: Chuck got a real "kick in the head with the following recent post:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Credibility, it seems, is not Charles Treuter's strong suit .... "

In yet another long winded expose intended to reveal the truth, something our dear Charles wouldn't recognize if it rose up and bit him, Charlie rails against what I assume is his brother.

As part of his expose he posts what he reports is a picture of his brother's wife...

Under this photo Chuckle head writes...

This is the REAL illegal mexican immigrant, Maria Borges "Treuter" (60 years old, 300+ pounds) from a fairly recent photograph submitted by a neighbor of the Treuter "compound"

Unfortunately for Chuck, he wrongly assumes the rest of the world is as stupid as he is, and therefore sets the bar very low and makes it so very easy to uncovering more of his lies.

This is not his target's wife, it isn't a recent photograph he got from some cooperative neighbor, it is something he trolled off the net in a story about a Kansas woman who apparently was arrested in the death of a child.

Oh Charlie, you dumb ass, at least change the links in your pictures so they are semi credible.

Once again you offer clear proof you are a fraud, a liar, a phony, and, not terribly bright.
The above blog post is absolutely fantastic and once again rips Charles Richard Treuter's bullshit apart and EXPOSES the moron for EXACTLY what he is: A WORTHLESS POS.

By the way, my posts which expose Chuck and Liz will never be removed and will remain for all time for all to see.  How do you like that and how do you like me now, "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter?